Self Worth (@trackstarz @j19music)

The struggle of dealing with self worth as a Christian can be a debated topic but at the same time one of the biggest struggles a young person can go through. Many teens and young adults come across this trial right around the time they get out into the world after school.  They start to see the many different ways the world tells them how to live, look and act. With multiple sources telling this generation their worth, they can get a skewed idea of self. One forgets that we are made in the image of a King and that we should act as such.

God affirms many times in scripture the value He sees in us. All the way from the details of our bodies being formed in the womb (Psalm 139:13-15) to His redeeming love of dying for us, as we are still sinful (Romans 5:8). He also warns us of the identity that the world would try to bestow onto us in Romans 12:2. God does use this verse as a bit of a measure to show the shallowness of what the world can offer compared to what God has already promised us. He has been able to keep this promise of always making sure we are loved but we have to be careful when being presented what the world can offer.

In the states, there is this ideal called the American Dream. It is most likely the most obvious and explicit way the world can look more appealing than God. It’s presented to us something like this, “Come find happiness in this new 2 story house on a solid 5 acres of land. There is plenty of room for you and your spouse to raise a family and live like this for the rest of your lives.” (Obviously there is more detail when it’s presented but you get the idea). This idea can sound amazing and it may be fun, but this is not a lifestyle that fits everyone in unison. Everyone is tailored differently to like different things and have different ambitions. With this world view, there are too many inconsistencies for everyone to find worth in life.

The best thing about your self worth centered in Christ, is the connection there is between His Spirit and you. Who else can you know you better than you? How about the One who created you? God knows your desires and your dreams. He gave them to you to reflect His glory. When we try to do things for ourselves, for our own desire and benefit, that’s where we bring in our own inconsistencies and struggles that make us lose sight of who we are. We are Kings and Queens; we are given our crowns so we can lay them at His feet.