Revisiting Being A Good Steward Over Our Singleness|@Intercession4aG @trackstarz

Revisiting Being A Good Steward Over Our Singleness|@Intercession4aG @trackstarz

In my new book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide”, I briefly discuss how the Kingdom works differently than the kingdom of this world. In God’s Kingdom, once we have been faithful where we are at, we then become promoted to the next level. What does this tell us? Obedience is key. “His master replied, ‘Well […]

New Podcast! Trackstarz: Collabs, Christian Guys, Platform, Jeremih vs Drew Allen: 2/27/16 (@trackstarz)

New Podcast! Trackstarz: Collabs, Christian Guys, Platform, Jeremih vs Drew Allen: 2/27/16 (@trackstarz)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Sound Off Should Christians Collab with Secular Artists? Entertainment Report Noteworthy Do Christian Guys take Rejection Harder? Sound Off Does a high platform mean failure for a Christian? Line 4 Line Jeremih vs Drew Allen