The End of Malice – (@thisisraysurnet @trackstarz)

Taking a general consensus, Malice’s transition hasn’t been a smooth one. I will openly admit to being an avid fan of The Clipse and figured his transition would’ve been a welcome one. Well, guess not. I am still a Malice – now No Malice fan. I will also admit to loving a good redemption story. […]
Sports Hoard – Your Week In Sports (@thisisraysurnet @trackstarz)

Welcome to Sports Hoard for the week of February 15, 2016! Hot news items for the week include: Stephen Curry claiming the title of “The Best” in the NBA. Dwight Howard coming forward about his Christianity and the struggles he endured in the NBA. And of course, there’s Payton Manning, Again! When Dwight Howard entered the NBA […]