How to Set Goals |Bordeaux’s Business Blog| (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

One thing most everyone wants to accomplish in life is success. Success can mean so many things in so many areas of life. The one common necessity that measures success is having goals. A person can’t really gauge if they have reached success without a goal in mind. For some, this can mean graduating high school or college. For others, it can mean getting married or having kids. In life there are many ways to meet goals but there are a few easy methods of goal setting that better ensures success.

  1. Goals must be specific. When setting financial goals or even goals like losing weight, it is better to be specific on what you are aiming for. When we say we want to increase our revenue, that could be done with increasing selling price, gaining more customers, or selling more product. You must look specifically areas you want to adjust. This can be done with dieting too. When people want to lose weight, they figure out how to do so by creating a plan (i.e workout 1 hr a day or only eat 1500 calories a day). The goals must have specifics.
  2. Goals must be measurable. Do not set a goal like “I want to improve.” Figure out what “improve” means and work on that.
  3. If you are part of a team you need to agree on the goals and write them down to make sure your team is working toward the same goals and they are attainable. We can often forget what we are striving for and stray away from our goals. When we write them down and see them with our eyes, it helps the vision we have set.
  4. Goals must have a timeframe. When you set a goal make sure you put a timeframe on it so you have a pace that you are working at. Some goals are time-bound. If you want to meet a sales quota or get out of debt, it is better to have a time period in order to be successful. Even in college people need to set this time restraint. Will a person graduate in 4 years or 10 years. It makes a difference in the amount of work that is put into the task.
  5. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Make your goals realistic and relevant but leave room for God. Anybody can set small goals that anyone can do. What I mean here, is the goal must be just out of your capabilities to attain them by your own ability. We often get so focused on work that we leave God out of the picture. By setting a goal that is just outside of your capabilities, you have to depend on God, which is what we should be doing all along. Find your goals that are realistic and dependent on God.

So far we have discussed Mission Statements and Goals. How are you coming along in your journey? Please comment and let me know. God Bless you and your mission.

Jason Bordeaux

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