J. Monty “Testify” Part 7 “YAHWEH” | @jmontystudios @trackstarz

J. Monty took a Sabbath last Tuesday as He heard the Lord telling Him to slow down and spend time with his family. Monty decided that every 7th Tuesday he would rest from the “Testify” series. Yesterday he came back with a vengeance with “YAHWEH.” Check the video below and subscribe to Monty’s YouTube channel […]

Protecting Your Spirit Through Humility| @Intercession4ag @Trackstarz

It is going to take humility to endure with patience. One, because patient endurance requires trust in Christ to avenge or resolve any wrongdoing done to us that provoked us. Although, the norm isn’t to be provoked to patience, but to fighting. We want to fight for our reputation when someone gets out of pocket […]