Psalm “Hero’s Lament” Album Review | @psalmmuzik @trackstarz @kennyfresh1025
The word lament appears to be the root word in “Lamentations,” a book of the Bible in which the author is weeping and calling out to God. In Psalm’s latest project, ‘Hero’s Lament,’ we find the artist weeping over the state of the world and the Church, but yet and still he brings the message […]
Psalm ‘Covenant’ Album Review| Album Review| @lyricidalmusic @kennyfresh1025 @trackstarz
A covenant is nothing more than an agreement, but it’s a special sort of agreement. It’s deeper than any sort of contract and for the most part there is no way out of this agreement. Up and coming artist Psalm AKA Lyricidal, brings something special to the table with his project Covenant. Let’s take a […]
Covenant vs. Contract|Marriage Mondays| @chicangeorge @Trackstarz #MarriageMondays
In marriage, we can’t confuse our marriage covenant with a marriage contract. A contract is when something happens between two parties if both of the parties complete their contribution to the agreement. This method may work for business, but not for your marriage. A covenant is an agreement that you do with someone else… […]