Jon Keith “Made” Music Video | @jonkeith @kingsdreament @trackstarz

Jon Keith’s highly anticipated album, ‘Anti-Hero,’ was released August 21,2020, to critical acclaim. Keith continues to push the album with the release of a new music video. This latest visual is for track number 2 “Made.” Check out the video below and go cop Jon’s album if you haven’t already. What’s your favorite music video […]

Jon Keith “Trust” Music Video | @jonkeith @zachsperrazzo @kingsdreament @trackstarz

Jon Keith “Trust” Music Video | @jonkeith @zachsperrazzo @kingsdreament @trackstarz

King’s Dream Entertainment quickly followed up the Friday release of Jon Keith’s “Trust” single with a great music video. The video was shot and directed by longtime collaborator Zach Sperrazzo and edited by Tanner Ross(AKA TROSSTHEGIANT). Jon’s upcoming album, ‘Anti-Hero,’ is now available for pre-order on the King’s Dream ENT. website. What do you think […]

Jon Keith Releases New “Genes” Single | @jonkeith @trackstarz

Jon Keith Releases New “Genes” Single | @jonkeith @trackstarz

Jon Keith released his first single this year titled “Genes.” He’s been hinting at this single for a minute, and now it is finally here. Jon has shot a music video for the song that should be dropping soon, visit his YouTube page to see behind the scenes on the making of the video. Jon […]