Need To Renew Your Faith? |Miracles From Heaven Movie Review|@korthwest @trackstarz

What do you do when one of your loved ones is diagnosed with an incurable and rare digestive disorder? What do you do when you see your loved one in pain day after day, after you have continued to pray and pray? So many of us have experienced this in our lives. We ask like Jennifer Garner’s character does in the movie, Can you hear me, God? ….are You there? Miracles from Heaven is a true story of God’s Miracle, His love for us and to keep faith even when we don’t visually see His workings. It is the story of the Beam family who had real suffering, faith and strength through God.

I saw the movie last week and would recommend it to those who don’t like or are weary of Christian films.  When I heard of this movie, I wasn’t sure about it because of the recent let downs with a few Christian films, i.e being partially biblical and etc. Instead, this film brings the True Power of God to Light.

In reading different reviews of those who were unsure about God, they stated the moments where God was mentioned didn’t feel preachy or forced. It seems in our society today, many people feel the church is too preachy. I say we continue to Love as Jesus does and this movie did just that.

I would recommend seeing it and bringing someone who doesn’t know God. Get ready to walk away feeling truly grateful, renewed and hopeful!

“Miracles are God’s way of showing us that He’s here.” – Miracles from Heaven