Worship Without Ears (@jasonbordeaux1 @trackstarz)

Music is a pathway to worship for many people. It can set the mood and get us into the right attitude through the melody and words being expressed to Jesus. One of the ministries I have served the past 15 years and continue to serve is called Blended Fellowship. This ministry established in 1999, is for blended families both hearing and deaf. My parents are both deaf and mute, meaning they can neither hear nor speak. During worship, we sign all the music and turn the bass up so the deaf can feel the music vibrations. I often wondered to myself how much I would be impacted if I lost my hearing and could no longer hear the songs I love so much. What would it be like if I had never heard them? I am such a lover of music, it would be devastating to me if that were to happen.

With all this in mind, I have realized there is more than music when it comes to worship. We worship through loving one another. We worship through giving. We also worship as we are praying or reading the Word. These are areas in my life that I need to make sure I am doing more of. If I can only worship when the music is on, I am in big trouble. Worship is a continual mode of attitude that I hope to maintain all the time.

I pray we all maintain a continual mode of worship all of our days.

Jason Bordeaux

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